The 2022 General Election results are in!
The primary elections in Maryland and DC have come to a close! In the face of a Supreme Court that is determined to roll back decades of progress in protecting the rights of so many Americans, [...]
D’var Torah: Reflection on the 2022 Montgomery County Primary Election
We are living in challenging times, and I am sure that over the last year, each of us has experienced feelings of despair. At times, despair has seemed the only reasonable response to any number [...]
What’s next after the primary elections?
The primary elections in Maryland and DC have come to a close! In the face of a Supreme Court that is determined to roll back decades of progress in protecting the rights of so many Americans, [...]
New: Testimony on Montgomery County Touch Screen Ballots
The Montgomery County digital ballot system that places candidates across multiple pages without notifying voters significantly disadvantages candidates.
New: Montgomery County Voter Guide
Some Councilmembers demonstrated leadership in a crisis; others chose corporations over people.
New: Montgomery County Scorecard
Some Councilmembers demonstrated leadership in a crisis; others chose corporations over people.
About Last Night
What an election season this has been already — and it's not over yet. As Jews, we know that every vote is sacred, just as every person is sacred. Every single one of us is entitled to a say in [...]