Joe Sandler is a member of the firm Sandler Reiff Lamb Rosenstein & Birkenstock, P.C., in Washington, D.C., concentrating in campaign finance, election law, non-profit organizations, government ethics and regulation of lobbying and corporate and tax issues affecting political and advocacy activities. He has served as staff counsel for the Democratic National Committee, and was general counsel of the Rules and Credentials Committees for the 1988 Democratic National Convention. In 2010, 2011 and 2012, he taught courses, as an adjunct professor, on regulation of government influence, at William & Mary Law School and in 2010, at University of Pittsburgh Law School. In 2011, Joe was appointed by the Speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates to serve on the Commission to Study Campaign Finance Law, established by the Maryland General Assembly. Joe was elected to serve President of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington beginning in July 2012, and previously served as Vice Chair of JCRC and as co-chair of its Maryland Commission.

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